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Tenement Press is an occasional publisher of esoteric,
accidental, angular, & interdisciplinary literatures.

My head is my only house unless it rains

Don Glen Vliet               Don Van Vliet

Were a wind to arise
I could put up a sail
Were there no sailI’d make one of canvas and sticks

Bertolt Brecht, ‘Motto’
(Buckow Elegies)

A suite of spines in series ...

                The ‘Yellowjackets’
                No University Press
                John Cassavetes
                Harry Caul
                Occasional Collaborations

See here for Rehearsal, an ongoing & growing
collation of original (& borrowed) digital ephemera;
works, works-in-progress, & excerpts. 

See here for Railroad Flat Radio, an assembly
of works for the radio.

No University Press

NoUP will publish argumentative work of any field, so long as it is also work that strives beyond its field. We seek work possessing a presentist enthusiasm that works beyond the policies of enclosure that define and underwrite the mission of academic publishing.

An imprint from Tenement Press, NoUP will exist as both an open, digital library and print publisher. Concentrating on collaboration and cooperation in lieu of peer review, the press will advocate a fair remuneration for its authors, and consider the pace (and place) of publication as an (unerringly) collaborative process. NoUP will publish paperbacks that contest and undermine the price point that render academic works unavailable to a general reader. We seek work that represents the ideas and the meanings of institutionalities gone awry. In line with Tenement’s convention, we will make our books internationally available, with short production cycles and rapid distribution, and counter the belatedness typically associated with academic publishing through active co-work and co-editorship.

2.                 Maria Sledmere
                     Midsummer Song / Hypercritique
                    Sledmere’s Song is an interrogative appendix of essayistic motifs
                    and citational montage. A raised bed of a book, a syncopated
                    study of mutualism, commonality, and resilience.

1.                  Radical Translation Workshop,
                     An Anarchist Playbook 
     A crowd-sourced set of workshop translations
                    of texts from the French Revolution.


We seek work from both within and outside of the academy that represents the ideas, the processes, the meanings of institutionalities gone awry. Work from within the academy that draws away from its enclosures and institutionalities at every moment, in every line, and work from without the academy that might tempt academicians to stray. 

The “No” of NoUP is no negation, but a means of opening forms of argument impelled by enthusiasm and exploration. NoUP will publish and support work that would otherwise be lost to a readership gated by critical and institutionalist governance. We seek work riddled by the dynamics of doubt. Unmoored work that strives to exist without the pressure of affiliation. A refusal of the adjunct, the subordinate, the sense of structural dispensability that saddles a monograph. Emergent work on emergency. Positive work. Peripheral works. Minor works on minor authors. Furious, engaged works. Cross analyses of fury. Quick work. Slow work. New work. Old work. Invested work. Political work. Porous work. Short work, characterized by openness and incompletions that remain avenues of entry to the uninitiated reader, reopening unhealed scars of patched up conclusions to unhealable disagreements. Collaborative and cooperative work. Tangled work. Open work. A disciplinary bleed.

Submissions are encouraged from all quarters; and work of any stripe and variety; be you author, translator, critic, poet, academic, artist, activist, filmmaker, archivist, librarian, musician, early-bird, or night-owl.

Neccessaries & Particulars

A proposal of 1250 to 2000 words in length; examples of previous work(s), be it published or unpublished; links to any visual and/or sonic documentation of work(s); for manuscripts in development, a rough writing schedule; a brief biographic note. 

Please address all materials (and general enquiries)
for the attention of editor, Benjamin Pickford.

(cc. editors@tenementpress.com)


Tenement Press