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Tenement Press is an occasional publisher of esoteric,
accidental, angular, & interdisciplinary literatures.

My head is my only house unless it rains

Don Glen Vliet

Were a wind to arise
I could put up a sail
Were there no sailI’d make one of canvas and sticks

Bertolt Brecht, ‘Motto’
(Bucknow Elegies)

Rehearsal      /     4. Cristina Viti 

A Scandal of Meekness

A poem, after Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Uccellacci e uccellini / Hawks & Sparrows (1966). The title refers to his Pasolini’s ‘Un’educazione sentimentale’ / ‘A sentimental education’ as included in the collection, La religione del mio tempo / The Religion of My Time (1961) .

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Cristina Viti’s publications include the Selected Poems of Dino Campana (with the full text of the Orphic Songs), collections by Etel Adnan, Mariangela Gualtieri and Anna Gréki, as well as Elsa Morante’s The Worlds Saved by Kids, shortlisted for the John Florio Prize. Translations for the theatre include Orson Welles’ Moby Dick—Rehearsed for the Teatro dell’Elfo in Milan. Among forthcoming books are translations of the Selected Poems of Luigi Di Ruscio and of Luca Rastello’s The Rain’s Falling Up, a novel exploring the politics and spirit of 1970s Italy. 

Viti translated Pier Paolo Pasolini’s La rabbia / Anger for Tenement’s “Yellowjacket” series (2022); see here.

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